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6 Things Successful Career Counsellors Do To Have a Rewarding Career Themselves

Helping others is its own reward. It feels incredible when you’ve helped someone arrive at a decision, guided them along the way, and it turned out to be a life-changer for them. This, precisely, is what career advisors do: give students and professionals career-related advice to help them attain glorious results. But how do advisors achieve glory in THEIR career? Things All Successful Career Counsellors Do 1. They always remember their real purpose Being a counsellor is a vocation – you do it because you want to help others and make a positive difference to their lives. As your vocation grows into a business, it’s easy to lose sight of this purpose and start focusing wholly on making money, taking on more clients than you can handle, and treating counselling like an assembly-line production. That can be your undoing. 2. They build their own niche Career planning and advice is a vaster field than many people realize. Counselling a student who just got his Class 10 th re...

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